
Naughty or Nice? Make a Holiday Wish List for Your Home

Written by Admin | Dec. 09, 2015
December 2015:

There’s no time like the holidays for making lists! Guest lists, grocery lists, gift lists and even who’s-sleeping-where lists help make life easier during these super-busy weeks.

But there’s one extra list that can make life easier for years to come: a wish list for your home, your home’s “Naughty List.” What goes on the “Naughty List”? All those things that could make your home nicer!

While it’s on your mind…

As you’re preparing holiday meals, entertaining, and hosting family from out of town, it’s the perfect time to think what you wish you could change about the way your home looks, feels and works. Make notes now about big and small changes you’d like to make and they’ll still be top of mind when you’re ready to remodel.

For example, wouldn’t it be nice to have an extra bath or a real guest room? What about an entry area spacious enough to organize coats and scarves and leave wet boots to dry? Do you fantasize about actually having the space to seat the whole gang graciously? Are you tired of having the in-laws joke about your house being so drafty they can’t light the candles?

Would having an extra dishwasher, sink or oven make it much easier to entertain? Would a new motion-activated “touchless” faucet be helpful when you’re cooking and your hands are full – or covered in dough? What if you could access a particular pot, pan, or bag of sugar without having to remove the contents of an entire shelf or cabinet?

What about the kitchen itself – wouldn’t it be wonderful to have more windows, a better floor plan, and enough counter space to cool batches of cookies and still have room for the kids to sit and sip hot chocolate?

Apart from what would be nice to have, what about things that just plain need replacing – leaky toilets, creaky doors, cracked tiles, sagging shelves, and more?

Once you’ve made your list, check it twice

When the holidays are over, check your list. Check the wish list for your home once for the “nice to haves” and once for the “must haves,” and then explore what you’d like to accomplish with some timely remodeling. You might be surprised at how much beauty and functionality can be built into even small remodeling projects. The secret is in taking the time to map out the design, space planning and product options so that they not only address the items on your “Naughty List” but make the smartest and most creative use of your budget.

If you do find yourself considering a remodeling project, don’t wait to get started. Even simple updates can involve many “pieces.” In fact, given the permitting process, product delivery timelines, and construction requirements, projects can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

For example, if you’d like to enjoy a new deck or sunroom this summer, construction needs to begin by spring, so planning should start in January. And so should planning for larger renovation projects like kitchens and home additions because there are more steps involved.

So go ahead and make a wish list for your home now. Then, after the holidays, why not give us a call and let’s talk about how to make things nice?