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House Remodels: The Benefits of Remodeling All at Once

House Remodels: The Benefits of Remodeling All at Once

Undertaking a whole house remodel requires a lot of time, effort, and money to make sure that everything goes smoothly. And even with increased coordination, chaos can still creep through.

So, all the disruption begs the question: what’s the better option between remodeling your entire home at once or doing a house remodel in stages? While it may seem daunting to undertake an entire house remodel at once, your home should not feel like a never-ending endeavor or a source of stress, which can happen if you tackle it in stages.

This article will explore the advantages of a whole house remodel and how it can save you time, money, and stress in the long run.

Financial Burden: Economies of Scale

One of the main benefits of completing a remodel on your house all at once is that it is cost-effective. Committing to an entire house remodel at once allows you to save money in that there is great efficiency and economy in a larger project.

Ordering materials in bulk can reduce costs or open the option for discounts or better deals with suppliers. And you don’t have to worry about unforeseen expenses that often come with room-by-room remodels.

The money you save can go to additional upgrades on the house or simply be a more cost-effective renovation.

Maximize Efficiency

Having a whole house remodel increases the efficiency of your project. A larger project allows the contractor to plan out the various tasks.

Completing one smaller project and preparing for the next small project is a more dragged-out approach where your home projects can feel like an ongoing looming presence. Taking the whole-house remodel approach can also allow for a more holistic plan where projects are streamlined and completed in a logical order.

This will help your project stay on track, ensuring a finished home sooner. Also, doing a larger renovation can help gain priority on a contractor’s schedule.

Convenience and Disruptions

While completing a house remodel all at once means you’ll likely have to move out of your house, it is only for a few months for one project. And once you move back in, you know you’re entering a fully completed space without any more disruptions.

However, it is far more likely you’ll live at home during a room-by-room remodel because of how extended the timeline is.

Another Financial Consideration

Everyone knows that living at home through a house renovation can be a test of sanity, forced to endure and navigate construction noises, mess, and non-functional spaces. Some homeowners initially believe there is a big cost savings to attempting to live at home during a significant home remodel. This is not true.

To be able to work on extensive remodel projects, water and electricity are turned off. If that isn’t enough of a deterrent – living at home during the day without water and electricity – there is the added time daily of turning these utilities off each morning and back on at the end of the workday for the clients living in the home.

Additionally, the project site must be cleaned up of debris and tools each evening for the family to live in the spaces. This daily time is factored into both the overall cost of the project as well as extending the total timeline for the project for the 1-2 hours daily that is related to set up, break down, and utilities being managed daily.

So, not only is moving out a stress-free approach, it results in a less expensive project with a shorter timeline.

Design Cohesion

Lastly, undertaking a whole house remodel is beneficial from a design standpoint because you can ensure a cohesive flow throughout your home when tackling the entire house as a whole rather than trying to work piece by piece.

Every room, area, and architectural detail in your home has a better chance of complementing each other and harmoniously fitting in with the rest of the house when you complete a remodel of your house all at once.

You can also increase the overall functionality of your home when renovating at once to optimize the layout and flow of your space. This also helps with resale value as a consistent architectural aesthetic improves the overall appeal of your home.

If you are considering a major home renovation, contact us. Our talented team is ready to discuss your next project.


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